Hate Band Aid 20?
Thursday, November 18, 2004
  We do! This farrago of nonsensical styles sloshed together like a bucket of swill is a travesty of the original.

For all its flaws, "Do They Know It's Christmas" was a simple, sledgehammer of a record. Solid and cohesive, a hell of an opening and a rousing chant. Inspired, of the moment and a punch in the face.

But the new single is more like a wet fish sliding over your cheeks. From the initial Dido-pace (and lack of consonants), through the Darkness' twiddly-diddly-look-at-mee-dly, the John-Barnes-rapping of Dizzee Rascal and the final self-congratulatory applause and maracas of a school assembly.

However that doesn't mean we can't support the very deserving charity! Click anywhere on this text and donate £5 (that's £1.01 more than the cost of the single) and salve your conscience without actually having to go out and support this travesty. Then post a reply here confirming your donation and adding some hilariously witty comment.

Let's Feed The World. But not their egos.
£5 donated. But at least it's better than Jason and Kylie's version.
Isnt there enough in the world of love without more pain
What have you ever contributed!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in the USA tickling Mickey Mouse's balls and helping prepare for the coming invasion of Iran but when I get back you and I will be having a talk!

I think he's contributed £5. Me too now.
What a load of pish, FFs just let the charidee continue as is? Whats the problem in producing a new single, who the fuck is bob geldoff anyhow?

Most of the originals are so old they are out of touch with those who would buy a single. Whether the production is good or not its still bound to be a damn site better looking GYAC Sugababes, Will Young (not Dido)
As a disabled lesbian, I find your comments offensive to both fat people and ginger haired people. I have no sense of humour and webmong all day, I am really a sad cun*t but at least I will always have popbitch; unlike you who has missed the point completely
what about Brighton?
Do you need any recommendations?
email me at lonelyhousewife@jedibitch.com
Brilliant! £5 donated. Are there any more places I can donate money to, to stop The Darkness full stop?
minky_chunky says

You are making me sleepie!!!!!!

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Do you hate Band Aid 20's new single? So do we! But that doesn't mean we can't give generously.

November 2004 /

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